Personal Styling
Wardrobe check
Wardrobe checks are the kind of help I provide the most.
It can be quite a challenge to invite me inside your wardrobe,
But I promise you that I do not come to point fingers or ask why you bought any particular clothes.
My help is to create an overview in your wardrobe and that you avoid mistaken purchases in the future.
With a wardrobe check, we look at your clothing style and cut / fit. We look at what you have of shoes, bags and accessories and we see which colors are really good for you.
Get clear on which cuts and fits are good for you
You get the best and most practical wardrobe by having clothes that you can use crosswise. I can help you with that, so you can be inspired in the future, to choose the clothes you feel good in and look best in. A
wardrobe check is not necessarily about throwing out, it's much more about getting a new wardrobe with your existing clothes. At a wardrobe check, we look at your clothing style and find new clothing combinations.
You only use 20% of your wardrobe You open in between your wardrobe and make your own wardrobe check, without finding anything to wear.
Even if your wardrobe abounds with clothes. It is not a new phenomenon that we store some of the old clothes we like. It may not fit into fashion right now, but you have always loved that blouse and those pants, and one day they will probably become modern and usable again. But in reality, you know very well that it often ends in wishful thinking and the realities are different. Studies have shown that we only use 20% of what we have hanging in our wardrobe - the rest disrupts our overview. I can help you get an overview in your wardrobe.